Structural Steel Beams
Beams are one of the most important structural steel shapes. Steel beams provide excellent load-bearing support and can be positioned horizontally or vertically as a column. These characteristics make steel beams ideal for thousands of structural applications, including residential and commercial building construction, bridges, machine bases, and more. Service Steel Warehouse stocks a wide range of beams to meet all your commercial and industrial fabrication needs. We stock a large inventory of i-beams and wide flange beams. We also offer a variety of value-added services, including beam-splitting if your project requires tee-beams. View more information about types of steel beams for sale below or request a quote now.

I-beams are a structural steel section on which the flanges are tapered and typically not as long as those on a wide-flange beam. View I-Beams Sizing Chart.

In addition to offering standard I-beams and wide-flange beams, Service Steel Warehouse also can also offer Split Tees processed by stitch cutting or fully splitting wide flange and standard I-beams.

Wide flange steel beams, which do not have tapered flanges, are typically the right angles at the web, featuring an equal thickness from the tip to the web. View Wide Flange Beams Sizing Chart.
Steel Beam FAQ
Beams can be split to create tee beams. Learn more about our tee-splitting service here.
The weight of a steel beam can vary based on beam size, thickness, and finish.
Please contact your sales representative for further details.
Service Steel Warehouse can support all of your structural beam needs. We stock one of the largest inventories of steel beams, offer fast and reliable shipping, and are competitively priced. Request a quote here to start your order.
Steel beams can widely vary in cost based on size, rendered services, market conditions, and other factors.
For more detailed pricing please contact your sales representative. Request a quote.